In honour of the new year, which is upon us, I wanted to begin 2023 by bringing back some old blog research material and convert them into readable blogs for you. So I thoroughly hope you find them insightful, interesting and helpful. This is 1/3:
4 types of eating – this is relevant because it can be argued that our relationship with food at any one time reflects our attitude to life at that same moment.
1. Fuel eating – eating food that serves your body and its needs and is considered clean eating that gives your body all the energy and nutrients that it may need.
2. Fun eating – eating that gives you very little nutritional value and essentially serves no purpose other than pure enjoyment
3. Fog eating – eating and being very mindless in what you are consuming to the point where you may eat a lot more than you intended to without even realising
4. Storm eating – can be categorised as essentially binge eating where you eat out of control and are unable to stop yourself. For some people, this is almost an out of body experience where it feels like a third party is eating and you are just watching them do so
Consuming vitamins to regulate hormones:
There are 13 essential vitamins and many minerals that can result in a person’s optimal health.
Vitamins are caused by living things and minerals are found in the earth which means that minerals are a lot of stronger and withstand a lot less intervention than vitamins can, for example: heat and age. All vitamins are necessary for the body but not all minerals are necessary for the body. Examples of vitamins include: Vitamins C, D and B1. Examples of minerals include calcium, sodium and iron and are typically found in meat, cereals, dairy foods, vegetables etc. Different foods contain different vitamins so I would advise you to look this up on the internet to see an extensive list of these. These vitamins can also impact the rest of your body upon consumption, i.e. Vitamin C contains collagen which is an important part of hair structure.
A lot of pregnant women find that their hair and skin improves drastically when they are indeed pregnant and it can be suggested that this is because they are being more conscious of what they are consuming for the sake of themselves and their child. However, a lot of women also experience post-partum hair loss due to a decrease in oestrogen hormones that are very prevalent during pregnancy (need to overcompensate because progesterone appears to take over in pregnancy).
Men have the prevalence of both testosterone and oestrogen hormones. Having too little testosterone can impact your mood and your sex drive and having too much oestrogen can lead to gynecomastia, erectile dysfunctions and possibly depression. Nutritionists suggest that having a low fat and high-fibre diet can influence lower levels of oestrogen.
**This list of effects and causes is not comprehensive as everybody’s experiences and genetic makeups are different, but these are some frequent causes and effects of hormone imbalances and making yourself aware of this can increase your overall wellbeing and awareness.
What can you do – the importance of having a balanced diet:
Consume phytoestrogens which are substances found in certain plants and interacts with oestrogen to either increase or decrease oestrogen levels in the body. Vegetables containing high levels of phytoestrogens include: cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy and cabbage and are considered to contain isoflavones (a type of oestrogen) that can arguably prevent testosterone from converting into oestrogen. Legumes are a popular meat alternative which contain high levels of protein but if eaten in excess then this can also cause high levels of oestrogen because they too contain phytoestrogens, so it is important to eat them in small quantities.
Thank you so much for reading if you were able to make it to the end and stay tuned for more health and beauty blogs coming your way
-Love K x