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Coping with insecurities

An insecurity is defined as a feeling of instability and lack of confidence about oneself. We all have off days but when we allow these feelings to persist, they can become incredibly detrimental to our wellbeing and sever the important relationships that we have around us – ones that are platonic, familial, and romantic. It can also have a serious impact on your ability to conduct daily tasks and invest into your educational and career-focused future.

Methods of combatting:

1.Identify what makes you insecure – this can be an incredibly distressing and gruelling process which is why doctors recommend that you take this step with the utmost care and patience. Some of the most common causes for insecurities (according to Psychology Today include: rejection from the past/fear of failure, social anxieties and an obsession with perfectionism). They frequently suggest that you slowly desensitise yourself to different and difficult situations that allow you to deal with a small part of the insecurity each time. This can include: talking over this issue with a friend, family member, partner, doctor, counsellor etc. (having a supportive network is important but being able to confide in them when you need guidance and to vent is even more important – sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own lives that checking up on someone is sadly not our first priority), looking up more information about that particular insecurity on the internet and books, writing down your thoughts and feelings in relation to that insecurity and then looking back on it a few days later

2. Step out of your comfort zone – this can help with developing confidence and making you more fearless in combatting difficult issues. This is all down to experience and many frequently find that the more they do things that they had never dreamed of doing before, the more confident they became, the higher their self-esteem and the lower their feelings of insecurity and inadequacy

3.Look in the mirror and be grateful for all the things that you can do – focus on what you have rather than what you lack and then carry that admiration away from your physical appearance to the amazing qualities and personality traits that you have which separate you from any other individual. Embrace the part of you that stands out and realise that it is just as much a part of you as any other of your most loved assets and traits

4.Dedicate time to your hobbies, and if you don’t have one then search around for one until you find one that you massively enjoy! – this can help you be more confident in making decisions for yourself rather than relying on other people to dictate what you should and shouldn’t do. Go where you feel most comfortable and do the things that bring you the most happiness

This blog was short but 2/3 of my rehashed blogs from when I first began posting infographics onto Instagram when Lifestyleaddxct was created in 2019 - 2020. In a sense, I was conscious of what people thought of my new endeavour which could be likened to some sort of insecurity, but over time, I developed a sense of conviction in my purpose and what I was talking about which made it easier to invest time into something I thoroughly enjoy and which I hope is beneficial to everybody who clicks on this site.

If you try any of these techniques, don’t forget to pass them along

-Love K xx

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