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How I started selling and making lip scrubs

My second blog in this very small Valentine’s series is a little bit of an encouragement post as well as marketing tactic.

When deciding to sell my pre-loved clothing, I had also decided to sell homemade lip scrubs on there because it felt wrong not putting others onto a creation that is very useful and above all else, affordable to create and distribute. I think that in general, often we get caught up in the hype of skincare trends that may not be the most rewarding and beneficial for our skin despite the fact that they may smell delicious and have a very vibrant colour. That being said…what if I told you I had a way to get the delicious smell and stunning colour without needing to splash your cash but instead purchasing me via my depop shop: . Well, read more to find out…

So what did I do so differently?

Well, first…I picked one of my favourite condiment/spread ingredients – Hint: It’s honey

Afterwards, I then converted it into a scrub, searching for both a preservative and an exfoliant to make it scrub like

Finally, I picked a site to market my product and whilst Wix was very much my first option for selling, I felt it important to trial out selling something so fresh and new

And there you have it! My fully complete list of things I did to create lip scrubs and ways that you can do the same, which I truly help you found useful in any way, shape or form.

Thank you so much for reading and I promise to be back to speak to you all again soon

-Love K xx

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